The public relations industry has long valued the skills of organization, time management and the ability to communicate effectively. This type of communication also includes a wide variety of skills within itself. Communication can include skills such as the ability to write or speak in a professional and efficient way. All of these skills are important for any professional in PR to possess. However, in recent years, there seems to be a new skill that many PR professionals are seeking in future employees: innovation.
Innovation can be defined as the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices or methods. By the definition, it may not seem like innovation really fits within the profession of PR. It may not be traditional, but innovation is something that many professionals see of value to the industry. In terms of innovation within the industry, the idea is to create an environment that cultivates learning, gives space for open dialogue, ensures a supportive work environment, embraces collaboration and works collectively to learn and move past mistakes.
The industry itself is constantly changing. As technology, social media and trends within society continue to evolve, it is crucial for the PR industry to keep updating their methods as well. The more professionals that understand and use innovation, the better. Innovation is what can help PR practitioners keep up with the constant changes in society and engage with a wide variety of clients. Innovation can help agencies or professionals give their clients fresh and valuable products/services.
Innovation and PR have continuity in the idea that they are both communication and people oriented. People should ultimately be at the center of innovation. Innovation allows for the workplaces in PR to continue to grow as a community and allow for space to work and create for their clients together. Innovation has quickly become a skill that is necessary for all PR professionals to have. If anyone is looking to work in this industry, then it is important to recognize that innovation is the name of the game.
Hannah Rady is a junior from Cloverdale, Ind., majoring in public relations and minoring in sport marketing and journalism. Hannah is an associate with Fifth Street Communications®, a student-run public relations agency at Anderson University.